

Before date is confirmed for the baptism of your child, parents must have/obtain:

Registration in Saint John Bosco Parish: Family from another parish must obtain written permission from “home” parish for Baptism at SJB.

Certificate of Eligibility to Serve as Sponsor: Each Catholic Sponsor (1 required; 2 preferred) must obtain Certificate of Eligibility from “home” parish. Parishes generally do not issue certificates to persons not already registered nor to persons who left the parish more than 6 months previously. Letter from Pastor for Christian Witness:

One baptized non-Catholic may serve as a Christian Witness and must present Letter of Good Standing from current Christian pastor. A Catholic not eligible to Sponsor may not be Christian Witness. Call the Parish Office to arrange for the Baptism of your child.


Wedding planning begins with engaged couple’s meeting a parish priest here at least six (6) months before desired wedding date. Please do not make financial commitments before confirming church date/time. If a member of the couple was previously married, a Declaration of Nullity (Annulment) of the prior marriage may be necessary. Please contact parish priest for detailed information.

Will you need an easy-to-follow wedding program template? You can find these templates on the SJB Website! The wedding program templates have a basic ceremony structure in them as well as details about you, your groom & your bridal party. You’ll just need to go in & change the details to reflect your special day. Use them as a guide & add your own spin to make your day truly personal. The templates for half fold are easy to use for simple wedding programs.

MARRIAGE CONVALIDATION: Couples in a civil or non-Catholic religious union without our Church’s explicit permission are not in a valid Catholic marriage. They cannot receive other sacraments or serve as Catholic Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation. This situation is often easily remedied by “convalidation”, a simple ceremony popularly called “getting a marriage blessed”. Call the parish office to arrange.


THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION brings about a change of heart through God’s mercy and forgiveness. Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) is a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God. At the same time sinners reconcile with the

Confessions will be heard on the First Friday of each month here at SJB before morning Mass. Pope Saint John Paul II reminds us that “Confession is an act of honesty and courage, an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.”