Parish Staff
Rev. Gary J. Kramer, Pastor
Rev. Angelo Hernandez, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Edward J. Morris, Parish Deacon
Jim Bollenbach, Parish Business Manager —
Regina Crawford, Director of Music —
Janet Sikina, Coordinator of Religious Education — — (267) 803-0774
Michelle and Regina Food Cupboard
Dave Simek, Maintenance and Facilities
Sean M. Connelly, Sr., Parish Secretary —
Jeanne Eichorn, Parish Secretary —
Sunday anticipated Mass on Saturday evenings: 4:00pm (English) and 7:00pm (Spanish)
Sunday mornings: 8:00am, 9:30am and 11:00am
Monday through Friday: 8:45am
Holydays (announced separately)
Nativity of our Lord (TBD)
Sacred Paschal Triduum (TBD)
Order of Penance
3:00pm – 3:30pm on Saturday afternoon
8:30am on First Fridays
Order of Baptism
Spanish – first Sunday each month following 11:00am Mass
English – last Sunday each month following 11:00am Mass
Community Rosary
Mondays – before 8:45am Mass
Saturdays – before 4:00pm Mass
Miraculous Medal Novena
Mondays – after 8:45am Mass
Parish Office
9:00am – 4:00pm Mondays through Fridays
Parish Registration
Registering with the parish is an important first step to becoming an active member of our church community. Every Catholic should register and become an active member of a one’s respective parish. Registration gives the Archdiocese an accurate size of the parish, which helps that with parish planning and the assignment of priests. Parish Registration is also important when a person needs a letter attesting that she or he meets the minimal requirements to fulfill the ministry of sponsor or godparent for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. Parish Registration is also important when a child reaches school age comes, a person receives a Sacrament, scheduling a wedding, scheduling a funeral as well as other occasions and needs. You may register in the parish office (Monday – Friday, 9:00am – 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm or by phone, (215) 672-7280. Welcome to Saint John Bosco Catholic Church. We look forward to meeting you!
Food Cupboard
12:00noon – 2:00pm Mondays and Fridays